Zurich University of Applied Sciences
Team members:
Prof. Dr. Sven Hirsch- sven.hirsch@zhaw.ch
Dr. Georg Spinner- georg.spinner@zhaw.ch
Dr. Norman Juchler- norman.juchler@zhaw.ch
Fabio Musio- fabio.musio@zhaw.ch
Matteo Delucchi- matteo.delucchi@zhaw.ch
WP Involvement: WP 1, 4, 5 and 7
The ZHAW is one of the leading universities of applied sciences in Switzerland.
It offers teaching, research, continuing education and other services that are both practice-oriented and science-based. ZHAW graduates are able to apply their know- ledge responsibly in demanding professional fields. Research & development at
the ZHAW focuses on key societal challenges, with a particular emphasis on energy and societal integration. The ZHAW’s expertise in sustainable development and digital transformation enables it to impart forward-looking knowledge and play an active role in shaping the digital and ecological transformation. It also promotes entrepreneurial thinking and action.
The Research Centre for Computational Health addresses problems in medicine and biology using data-driven and mechanistic modelling. Important tools are machine learning for image and signal analysis, graphical networks, parameter estimation for differential equation systems and physiological simulation.