The third meeting of the GEMINI consortium was held in Milano, Italy, November 11th-12th 2024.
We started with plenary lectures to have a quick overview of the work done in the past months in all WPs. Then we continued with parallel sessions for the different WPs to dive a bit deeper into the needed collaborations and action, especially with the first deliverables already coming up soon. After lunch, we continued with the parallel sessions and then we got back together for a Plenary keynote lecture by Dr. Guglielmo Pero, Niguarda Hospital, Milan. After a coffee break half of the group stayed for the general assembly meeting, while the others went for a POLIMI lab tour. In the evening we enjoyed an Italian dinner.

The second day we kicked of with a Plenary keynote lecture by Prof. Luca Mainardi, Politecnico di Milano Presentation of SMASH-HCM project ( and after a short coffee we continued with a small recap of the parallel sessions of yesterday and WP2 reporting on the next steps. After lunch there were rooms available for ad hoc meetings.